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The only woman.

The only latina woman.

The only muslim woman.

The only gay woman.

The only immigrant woman.

The only older woman.

The Only.


Are you The Only? Do you see yourself in any of these women? The Only woman on a sports team, The Only woman on a construction lot, The Only woman in the lab? Perhaps your "onlyness" was hidden from others. Perhaps you didn't choose it. Have you lived in a place where no one else looked like you? Whatever “room” you walked into where you were The Only, this is for you. Whether you’ve spent your lifetime(s) being The Only or you experienced it for just a few months, your story of being The Only deserves to be shared.


The Only is an immersive storytelling art project with the goal to share the voices of women who are trailblazers, whether by choice or circumstance. You don’t need to have been the first, you may have been one of a small few, but you were The Only. I’m asking for your nominations on whose story needs to be shared. I’m seeking a diverse and inclusive list of interview nominees - women who are diverse in race, age, socioeconomic status, all religions, all industries, different sexualities and all ages. Please share this to help us collect stories.


We’re currently in phase one of the project - story collecting. Phase two will be building an immersive art installation with these stories. Our work is anchored in empathy, healing while being in community with others, honesty, and the full range of human emotions. If you’re interested in learning more or partnering with The Only Project, please email


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